Character art for the player character, Lemmy. This was made in Adobe illustrator

Run animation created in Adobe After Effects.

A quick concept in photoshop to get a general sense of color, layout, and scale for the demo level.

Lemon Juicer pause menu wireframe/flowchart.

This is a game concept being developed by my friend Conlin. It’s a physics focused runner style sidescroller. He asked me to create some character and background assets for him. All of the assets you see in the video were created by me, with the exception of the flagpole and cactus mob.

Character art for the player character, Lemmy. This was made in Adobe illustrator
Run animation created in Adobe After Effects.
A quick concept in photoshop to get a general sense of color, layout, and scale for the demo level.
Lemon Juicer pause menu wireframe/flowchart.
This is a game concept being developed by my friend Conlin. It’s a physics focused runner style sidescroller. He asked me to create some character and background assets for him. All of the assets you see in the video were created by me, with the exception of the flagpole and cactus mob.