So for the last few weeks I've been slowly struggling to get this bastard of a figure in line. It's my first time modeling a fully nude figure and the process has been more than a little daunting. The figure itself has been rebuilt probably four times from top to bottom due to my infinite ineptitude. The good news is I've learned a ton throughout the process, and it's finally reached the point where I no longer loathe working on it! I've learned the importance of using a solid armature and getting the proportions spot on from the beginning. It seems that if either of these conditions aren't met early on during construction, that the air of the entire process quickly becomes one of "GOD WHAT HAVE MY HANDS WROUGHT?"
What you see here is only one of three figures that will be inhabiting the final scene together. The idea is to portray the classic "guy catches his wife in bed with another man" gag, but with my own sort of twist on it. It's not a terribly original piece, but it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's fun and silly and kinda raunchy, which is exactly the type of stuff I love working on. The final piece will include the three figures and an entire set to match.
As it currently stands, the thing I'm most worried about is the head and facial anatomy. Sculpting believable emotion onto a human figure is hard-- Doing it on a rabbit doubly so. I've been looking at the work of Beth Cavener Stichter and Blotch (Screwbald) to see how they handle human expressions on animals, and it's helping, but it's still crazy difficult. With any luck I'll have this guy totally sculpted and ready to bake by Monday!