So, it's definitely been waaaay to long since my last update. I've noticed that as the school year progresses I get more and more burned out, and it becomes harder and harder to work. I hope this has more to do with the tedium of school rather than a dwindling interest in art. I think it does.
Anyway! The sculpture is definitely in a better place than it was 3 weeks ago. I ended up having to bake him much sooner than I wanted to, due to the fact that the 'armature' I made was total junk. The whole thing was constantly falling apart- limbs were cracking/falling off, and it was generally a shit show. I either need to work a lot faster or learn to build decent armatures- constantly fixing mistakes is such a HUGE timesuck and adds a huge amount of unnecessary frustration. Despite the unrefined surface I'm pretty happy with how he came out! There's a lot of nice movement in the figure, and I think (hope) it will compel the viewer to move around the figure instead of looking at him from just one angle. Now I just need to focus on refining the surface and filling in any holes/cracks that remain. I think the surface quality is distracting at this point, and hopefully a lot of sanding and a coat of paint will rememdy that. It's approaching the point now where I need to work on the next set of figures within the work, and I'm excited but nervous at the same time. Unlike this figure, the next figure I'm working on will be totally clothed. Now that I think about it, one of the reasons my progress on this figure has been so slow is that for the last week or so I've been spending a lot of time learning to knit. The goal is to be able to make my own clothes for the figures. At this point I've managed to knit a tiny scarf, and something resembling a legwarmer. They're not all that great, but I've never knitted before, and knitting super small stuff is haaaaaard. Hopefully I'll have another update in the coming days/week for you guys. Thanks for reading, and keep it fresh.